The DNA Guy

Life Changer

Clearing the Heart Wall

Services and Packages


Emotion Code

“The Emotion Code is an energy healing technique that helps us to identify and literally release trapped emotions- which are harmful emotional energies from negative

Body Code

THE BODY CODE deals with balancing the body in all facets of health – including emotional, energetic, nutritional, structural, toxicity, and more.


Stress, anxiety, trepidation, trauma, PTSD, depression, energetic, emotional, or you name it. Most likely there are Epigenetic imbalances underlying why. Finally, your loved ones, and/or even you can find and feel relief.

DNA Release

If you have symptoms difficult to explain, they may be because of what is stuck in your DNA.  Addressing this and allowing yourself to heal your DNA likely will bring the relief you are looking for.  It has for me.

DNA Healing

What is the cause? …underlying how you feel? …are?  What is happening in your life? What has caused distortions in your DNA? …and even your RNA?…which acts as a messenger carrying the DNA’s instructions to carry out cellular functions.  Why is this happening?  Let’s find out!


Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), which is often referred to as “energy tapping”, is a safe and popular energetic healing technique that stimulates acupressure

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